Leading Beach Vacation Spots

March 6, 2018 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Miami Beach

No matter what season it might be, taking a beachvacation is both fun and relaxing. There are manybeaches all over the world to select from. You canchoose from a white sandy beach, lava rock beach, remote beach, or a popular beach – as the choiceis entirely approximately you.

1. Polo Beach – Hawaii
The Polo Beach of Hawaii is a sandy beach withclear water, making it ideal for swimming and alsosnorkeling. It’s situated in South Maui and frontedby the Fairmont Kea Lani Maui, which is a luxurybeach getaway resort.

2. Seven Mile Beach – Jamaica
The Seven Mile Beach of Negril is the longest stretchof white sand in Jamaica. Located near Negril onthe western idea of Jamaica, this beach is genuinely anawesome sight to see. Here, you can discover yourfavorite stretch of the beach and coconut palmtree and simply relax near the ocean. You can alsostay at the Caves, which lies extremely close tothe beach.

3. Atlantis Paradise – Bahamas
Here, you can experience the white sandy beaches ofthe Caribbean. Atlantis Paradise offers you longromantic strolls on the beach or the chance to playin the water at the resort. This paradise offersyou tropical environment with your very own personal sliceof heaven – something every beach lover will trulyappreciate.

4. Heron Island – Australia
Located on the Great Barrier Reef, Heron Islandbeaches offer outstanding swimming and snorkelingwith really remarkable marine life. The tropicalisland of Heron uses scuba divers over 20different diving websites. You can forget the stressof daily life here and simply immerse yourself inwonder.

5. Madeira – Portugal
The beach here at Reid’s Palace Hotel is rather therocky beach, with sharp black rocks. You can spendtime lounging by the swimming pool taking in the views, orswimming in the ocean. The weather condition here ispleasant most of the time, making your beach vacationsomething you’ll keep in mind for a long time to come.

6. Miami Beach, Florida USA

A terrific spot for movie stars and fashion models,
Miami Beach provides plenty of sandy beaches, severalrestaurants, and night long parties at one of thelocal clubs. The Tides is a luxurioushotel with lots of amazing views if you are looking for theideal location to remain. Miami Beachis also popular in the United States – among thebest beach holidays out there.

You canchoose from a white sandy beach, lava rock beach, secluded beach, or a popular beach – as the choiceis completely up to you.

The Seven Mile Beach of Negril is the longest stretchof white sand in Jamaica. The beach here at Reid’s Palace Hotel is quite therocky beach, with sharp black rocks. Miami Beach provides plenty of sandy beaches, severalrestaurants, and night long celebrations at one of thelocal bars. Miami Beachis likewise popular in the United States – one of thebest beach holidays out there.