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Jared Plitt, DMD has been practicing general dentistry in South Florida since 2001. He graduated with honors from NSU Dental School’s Charter Class. However, Dr. Plitt’s quest for learning is far
Phone 305-534-2525
Website Link Visit Link Here
Country United States of America
State/Province Florida
distance: 5,605 Miles

Dr. Jared Plitt, DMD

Jared Plitt, DMD has been practicing general dentistry in South Florida since 2001. He graduated with honors from NSU Dental School’s Charter Class. However, Dr. Plitt’s quest for learning is far from over.

Dr. Plitt continues to research and study the latest in dental techniques, technology, and materials. He is committed to providing his patients with the best possible care.

The doctor, wife Tami Benveniste-Plitt and their three sons live in nearby Surfside. Dr. Plitt looks forward to welcoming both new and returning patients and providing them with friendly, affordable, & quality dentistry.

Listing Details

Phone 305-534-2525
Website Link Visit Link Here
Country United States of America
State/Province Florida
distance: 5,605 Miles
Address 333 W 41st St #706, Miami Beach, FL 33140

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