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Dr. Navid Bamdad, D.M.D. We would like to welcome you to our office. We take great satisfaction in helping you maintain optimal oral health. Our practice is devoted to comprehensive and preventive pat
Phone 305-532-1728
Website Link Visit Link Here
Country United States of America
State/Province Florida
distance: 5,605 Miles

Miami Beach Dental Center

Dr. Navid Bamdad, D.M.D.

We would like to welcome you to our office. We take great satisfaction in helping you maintain optimal oral health. Our practice is devoted to comprehensive and preventive patient care.

Throughout our website, you will find an abundance of information about our practice, procedures we provide, and dentistry in general. Please explore and learn as much about dentistry and our services as you desire. We believe our patients should have as much information as possible in order to make important, informed decisions regarding their oral health and treatment options.

Our patients are our most important asset, and we strive to develop long-lasting, trusting relationships with all of our patients. Your referrals are welcome and appreciated. We look forward to seeing you!

Listing Details

Phone 305-532-1728
Website Link Visit Link Here
Country United States of America
State/Province Florida
distance: 5,605 Miles
Address 975 Arthur Godfrey Rd, Ste #306, Miami Beach, FL 33140

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